Modular Design

makes inspection and maintenance easy

United States Controls 是设计和制造适用于轧机的选择性喷射梁冷却系统的行业领导者,已在全世界安装超过 250 套设备。与其他喷射梁制造商不同,USC 利用创新模块化设计和电磁阀自清洁技术为轧机操作人员提供更高的产品性能和可靠性,已成为世界各地新建和改造安装的首选。

Rolling Mill Spray Systems
For the most demanding applications!

See our installations

With more than 300+ installations worldwide, United States Controls is the leader in the design and manufacture of selective spray valve cooling systems for rolling mills. Unlike other spray system manufacturers, USC’s innovative modular design and self-cleaning valve technology offer mill operators improved performance and reliability, making them the preferred choice for both new and retrofit installations around the world.


Five Reasons to Insist on United States Controls

We deliver superior quality selective roll cooling and heating systems.

  • High Performance Valves
  • Modular Design for easy maintenance
  • Patented self-cleaning design
  • All maintenance from the front of the header
  • Systems operate for decades


United States Controls' patented self-cleaning valve design is unique in the industry and sets the standard for accuracy, longevity and reliability.

Superior Valve Design

Roll Cooling or Heating Systems
  • Mineral Oils
  • Water Soluble or Raw Water
  • Pulsed or used constant duty
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Spray Header Assembly

For operations using MINERAL OIL or water-based coolants
  • Independent chambers for coolant supply
  • Up to 3 valves can be mounted on each spray zone
  • Easy installation and removal
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System Controls

Remote Input-Output Terminal Enclosures
  • Rugged terminal enclosures provided to suit each system
  • Electrical controls and USC software provide precision
  • One set of USC controls can opeate multi-stand mills
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Spray Pattern Analysis

  • Ensures proper coolant distribution
  • Custom nozzle plates for existing mills
  • Illustrate nozzle footprints under various mill operating conditions
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