Spray Pattern Analysis
Computer Aided Nozzle Spray Pattern Analysis
A computer-aided study is standardly provided with each USC Spray System. Once the required data has been collected, we will perform an analysis of the nozzle spray patterns selected for all the headers of the respective system including any additions of backup or bite lube spray bars.
Using the provided mill data (i.e., roll diameters, material gauges, header pressures, available coolant flow and other information), our software recreates the true concave spray pattern footprint as it contacts the rolls. We use this generated pattern to determine coverages and allowable overlaps of the sprays while avoiding spray interferences.
The analysis consists of an SPA Coverage Report that gives in-depth information for each nozzle selected. Also provided is a detailed AutoCAD drawing illustrating the pattern of the maximum roll conditions and another for the minimum roll conditions.
This analysis can be performed on older systems if a pattern needs to be confirmed.